Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The LCD technolog LCD monitors- The demand for the LCD monitors is rapidly increasing among the masses due to various user friendly features. With these monitors the users can have unlimited entertainment as they offer amazing sound and picture quality.y is basically based on the unique properties of advanced polarized light. In the LCD monitors two liquid crystals are sandwiched in between the polarized sheets.
These features permit the monitors to be very sleek and lighter. As these systems are available in affordable prices, their demand in the market is also continuing to rise steadily. They do not occupy much space and can be fitted anywhere with ease. various designs are available to cater the needs of every segment of people. Latest research shows that these type of widgets also consume less energy as compared to the CRT monitors.
The size of the LCD monitors may usually vary from 15 to 28 inches. The users can prioritise their requirements and then opt for the required scree size. With these monitors the users can have wonderful experience while viewing their favorite slide shows and video clips. The aspect ratio is around 4:3 in these systems. As such, the images displayed are in the high resolution of 1280 X 1024 pixels. Moreover, these screens can be viewed both horizontally and vertically. The users can easily tilt and rotate their systems to a certain angle to facilitate their working process.The brightness, colour and contrast of these monitors can be adjusted very easily by the users. They come with various user friendly adjustment keys and also offer OSD controls.

Various advanced monitors are adorned with OSD lock control feature which implies that no other person can alter the setting of your monitor. These monitors are also endowed with various multimedia features. Some of the high tech monitors are endowed with onboard speakers which can be prefect for casual enjoyment. One can have great time with his or her friends as the speakers would assist the system to offer high quality sound.The response time is usually referred to the span of time which is required for the crystals to turn off and on in the LCD monitors.
The response time determines the efficiency of these gadgets. This time may vary between 2 to 16 micro seconds. For playing high definition games the normal response time should be 5 micro second while for browsing the internet and usual word processing the response time should be 8 to 16 micro second. The response time should be clearly checked to avoid the irritation and blurring of the screen. Moreover, various monitors come with an embedded USB port to permit you to connect with other compatible devices without any concern.

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